Philos Project

A Reflection on Coptic Martyr’s Day: A Call for American Christians to care about the Coptic Community
A Reflection on Coptic Martyr’s Day: A Call for American Christians to Care about the Coptic Community

Thinking of the many hundreds of thousands of Coptic martyrs over the years makes me feel ashamed for us Christians living in the West and all over the world who have not yet recognized that the message of Jesus Christ is one that will bring suffering.

POV: New Perspectives on the New US Embassy Jerusalem
POV: New Perspectives on the New US Embassy

As part of the Providence POV series, the editors reached out to friends and colleagues in the region—including Palestinians and Israelis, Jews and Christians—to share their points of view on the new US embassy in Jerusalem.

POV: Israelis Amidst the Fray: How US Foreign Policy Affects Daily Life in Israel

Providence reached out to colleagues and friends living within Israel to ask four pointed questions about what it is like to live in the land beneath the rockets.