
To Rejuvenate Our Politics, Look to the Classics 

Though politics today is viewed as nasty and cruel, the progenitors of Western Civilization saw it as an opportunity to work together for the common good

Review of David Bentley Hart’s “All Things Are Full of Gods: The Mysteries of Mind and Life”

David Bentley Hart’s latest book is the finest rebuttal to the scientific materialist philosophy of mind and reality we have seen yet

Henry Clay and the Problem of Politics

Few figures in American history have had as distinguished a political career as Henry Clay.

Solzhenitsyn’s Shoulder Boards… And Mine

Aleksander Solzhenitsyn was the greatest Russian of all time

Young Henry Kissinger’s Philosophy of History

With Henry Kissinger celebrating his 100th birthday on May 27th, 2023, a review of his undergrad honors thesis is apt.

Waiting for a Better Reformed Defense of Liberalism: A Review of Drunen’s Politics after Christendom
Waiting for a Better Reformed Defense of Liberalism: A Review of Van Drunen’s Politics after Christendom

Van Drunen’s Politics after Christendom doesn’t convincingly defend liberalism from a biblical perspective. Readers wanting a compelling Reformed defense of ordered liberty will have to keep waiting.

The Great Theological Debate of our Age: Science-ishm and Healthiness during the Pandemic
The Great Theological Debate of our Age: Science-ishm and Healthiness during the Pandemic

Worship of a new deity, “Healthiness,” has only a passing resemblance to actual health. This new god is part of a small pantheon that centers around the chief deity, a “Science” that supposedly holds the key to understanding everything in the universe, from morality to medicine.

Biblical Realism - A Biblical Realist Vision for Politics and Foreign Policy
A Biblical Realist Vision for Politics and Foreign Policy

Though the Bible does not give us a clear schematic of how we are to order our political life, it does something more profound: it gives us a frame for all reality, history, and humanity.

The Virtue of Individualism
The Virtue of Individualism

Human happiness, social progress, and even national greatness require individualism.