religious liberty

Religious Freedom Day 2023 – Jefferson’s Virginia Statutes for Religious Freedom

Jefferson’s vision of freedom of religion continues to challenge Americans to strive for freedom at home and champion for others abroad

“Hate Speech” and Blasphemy

Why is New York State passing a blasphemy law reminiscent of Iranian theocracy?

History as Memory: A Southern Baptist Case Study

Distortions of the past can be as insidious as forgetting the past. Without true memory—a true historical consciousness—we will, indeed, perish.

The Muslim Brotherhood’s European Cash Cow: the European Union

The organs of the EU are funding organizations that have a stated intention to undermine that which forms the basis of, as the EU describes it, the “European way of life.”

Turkey: Hate Crimes Targeting Religious Minorities On the Rise

The 2021 Report of “Hate Crimes in Turkey Based on Religion, Belief or Unbelief” by the Freedom of Belief Initiative of the Norwegian Helsinki Committee documented 29 hate crimes or incidents related to religion, belief or non-belief between January and December 2021. The victims are Alevis, Christians, Jews, and atheists.

The Saudi Mirage of Religious Freedom

The Saudi monarchy is reigning in the Wahhabi religious establishment to solidify its power and stifle opposition.

“Not One Nation Alone, but of All People”

Love of country, patriotism, unity, the desire for religious liberty, and the hopes to see the world evangelized ought to mark Christians. Yet, these qualities exist alongside the realities of a fallen world, marred by sin.