Ronald Reagan

NATO Is Still Key to Keeping the Peace in Europe - Russia Ukraine
NATO Is Still Key to Keeping the Peace in Europe

With Ukraine languishing outside the safety of the NATO alliance, the consensus seems to be that there is little the alliance can do as Putin enforces his latter-day Brezhnev Doctrine. That consensus view is wrong.

Decadent US vs. Virtuous China?

May America amid its sins seek virtue and justice. And may America never be at peace with a world led by tyrants.

A Case for Rebuilding the US Commitment to Refugees
A Case for Rebuilding the US Commitment to Refugees

To renew our national spirit, we must rebuild our refugee resettlement program.

Another Day of Infamy

January 6, 2021, shocked and sickened many of us. It was a terrible, shameful day for the American Republic—truly yet another day of infamy in America’s bruised and bloodied history.

General Matthew B. Ridgway: Conservative Internationalist
General Matthew B. Ridgway: Conservative Internationalist

General Matthew Ridgway was a conservative internationalist who supported free institutions, defense alliances, and unsurpassed military might while opposing unsustainable wars beyond the range of national interests.

What Christians Must Remember about Nuclear Weapons and Arms Control
What Christians Must Remember about Nuclear Weapons and Arms Control

Three decades after the Cold War’s end, do we still need a nuclear arsenal today? Edward Ifft thinks not and in Christianity Today urges his fellow Christians to believe likewise. Peter Feaver, William Inboden, and Michael Singh disagree.

Secularization Strikes Back: The End of American Religion?
Secularization Strikes Back: The End of American Religion?

The “europeanization” of American politics, far from a reason to rejoice, should be the occasion for wailing and gnashing of teeth.

Bret Baier’s Cold War Ballad

There are many alive today too young to recall the majestic, providential events that unfolded 1981–91 when the Soviet Bloc…

Blame Xi Jinping Regime COVID-19 China
Blame Xi Jinping’s Regime for Mishandling COVID-19

Donald Trump should use the Oval Office or East Room to underscore the gravity and seriousness of what Xi Jinping’s regime has done.