Russian Invasion of Ukraine (2022)

On Ukraine, Outright Lies in the Epoch Times

Troubling distortions from the right wing outlet The Epoch Times on the Ukrainian Invasion.

Why Russia Might Help Stop the Collapse of Western Liberalism
Why Russia Might Slow the Collapse of Western Liberalism

The Russian invasion of Ukraine helped the West remember that it is fortified by a shared love of peace.

Ukrainian Refugees Drive Increased Human Trafficking in Poland
Ukrainian Refugees Drive Increased Human Trafficking in Poland

Ukrainian refugees are driving increased human trafficking in Poland. The US plays a critical role in combatting trafficking as the backbone of NATO.

A Mothers’ March on Moscow! - Bloody Sunday
A Mothers’ March on Moscow!

We should call for a “Mothers’ March on Moscow.” We should urge no violence, nothing radical, nothing revolutionary. But the idea just might take root among women in the vast Russian heartland.

The War through Mosfilm’s Eyes

The Mosfilm war movies collection greatly enhances understanding of the political psychology of contemporary Russian external aggression, especially the otherwise almost inexplicable official framing of the Ukrainian invasion

Marksism: Memorial Day, Czech Anti-Hatred, Russian Orthodoxy & Just War

Providence editors Mark Tooley and Marc LiVecche discuss Abigail Lindner and Eric Patterson’s article on G.K. Chesterton and war memorials, Lubomir Ondrasek’s piece on Czech leader Vaclav Havel’s warning against hatred, and Lee Trepanier’s counsel for how Russian Orthodoxy, lacking the Just War tradition, can oppose injustice with church teaching on personhood.

Russia’s Invasion Violates Personhood, Not Just War Theory
Russia’s Invasion Violates Personhood, Not Just War Theory

While Orthodox Christianity lacks the historical tradition of just war theory to criticize war, it does have a theological resource it could draw upon to condemn Russia’s invasion of Ukraine: personhood.

The Mad Pacifism of Doctor Who

The BBC should bring back the skepticism of pacifism that Doctor Who used to have.

Seeking Peace at Torgau for Russia and Ukraine
Seeking Peace at Torgau for Russia and Ukraine

We should seek a summit meeting with Vladimir Putin and Volodymyr Zelenskyy at Torgau in Germany. We need a negotiated end to the current war in Ukraine.