Sex Trafficking

Child Sex Trafficking, Open Borders, and America’s Foundations

Child sex trafficking is ineluctably tied up with America’s open borders, which cannot be fixed if Americans do not believe in America itself

Hamiltonian Foreign Policy and the Pursuit of Justice

Foreign policy does not have to be driven by altruism to be moral. Instead, they are the natural product of a mature prudence and prioritization of the national interest.

The World Confronts Modern Slavery, Offering Hope
The World Confronts Modern Slavery, Offering Hope

The common thread across these scenarios is the use of force, fraud, or coercion to keep victims under control and extract profit. This is the defining feature of human trafficking. Fortunately, these heartbreaking, uncivilized practices no longer go unnoticed.

Should Evangelicals Support Trump’s North Korea Travel Ban?
Should Evangelicals Support Trump’s North Korea Travel Ban?

Though the State Department’s new travel ban to North Korea pertains to only tourism, this recent policy shift once again raises questions regarding evangelical humanitarian work in the reclusive country.

Recent Removal of Anti-Trafficking Organization Bad Sign for Civil Society in Cambodia Agape International Missions
Recent Removal of Anti-Trafficking Organization Bad Sign for Civil Society in Cambodia

Regardless of the ethnicity of the women in the CNN documentary, the fact remains that child sex trafficking is a problem in Cambodia.

Out of the House of Slavery: Freedom & the Christian
Out of the House of Slavery: Freedom & the Christian

There are an estimated 45,000,000 people held in slavery today, more than at any other point in human history. At the same time, an incredible awakening is happening within the church, in which the people of God are reclaiming the prophetic calling to seek justice and rescue the oppressed.