“Truth and love must prevail over lies and hatred!” is how Václav Havel ended his speech to a crowd of freedom-longing people gathered in Prague on December 10, 1989. This statement was one of the slogans of the Velvet Revolution and embodied the overall spirit of this unparalleled historical event.
Lubomir Martin OndrasekMay 26, 2022
While we may not be able to create peace on earth, by offering a “cup of cold water” in Jesus’ name, we can bring peace to the hearts of many.
Trudy and Russell ChunApril 25, 2022
The courage of Václav Havel was grounded in a sense of responsibility for promoting ideals and values that transcend material goods, confront human decadence, and endure beyond our earthly existence.
Lubomir Martin OndrasekApril 18, 2022
The prophet Václav Havel wants Americans to know that there is an important connection between remembering God and living in freedom.
Lubomir Martin OndrasekFebruary 11, 2022
Someone like me who once lived in a totalitarian society finds it surprising and troubling that so many American churches have defined their mission as “to work for peace and justice in our world” but have neglected the defense of freedom as an essential part of their public ministry.
Lubomir Martin OndrasekJanuary 18, 2022
In short, America—and good, decent people who live here—has allowed me to become who I am and gave me everything I have. I doubt my story would be possible in any other country, but even if it was, it happened here.
Lubomir Martin OndrasekDecember 20, 2021
In this piece, originally published in Christianity and Crisis on March 22, 1943, N.S. Timasheff notes that the godless policy of the Communist party didn’t indicate an irreligious populace.
Christianity & Crisis MagazineMarch 22, 2018
Slovakia’s new religious registration law violates the collective aspect of religious freedom by erecting barriers to religious groups’ registration and performance of their basic functions.
Lubomir Martin OndrasekMarch 1, 2017
Many American officials have concluded that issues in Central and Eastern Europe have been fixed once and for all and that they can “check the box” and move on to other more pressing strategic issues. Relations have been so close that many on both sides assume that the region’s transatlantic orientation, as well as its stability and prosperity, would last forever. That view is premature.
Lubomir Martin OndrasekAugust 8, 2016