Soft Power

Trump Should Use Egypt Bombings as Occasion for New Policy on Protecting Middle Eastern Minorities
Trump Should Use Egypt Bombings as Occasion for New Policy Protecting Middle Eastern Minorities

Despite repeated assurances from President Sisi to protect the country’s large Coptic minority, his government appears unwilling or unable to actually deliver on his promises.

Renewing a Convincing American Global Engagement
Renewing a Convincing American Global Engagement

Much has been made of Obama’s foreign policy mistakes, but one criticism not often made, at least not fully, is that the Obama Administration was caught flat-footed by the changing information environment revolutionized by the rise of social media.

Soft Power
Soft Power at the Ukrainian Embassy

Whether intentional or not, the Ukrainian embassy’s open house was a clever play at soft power, specifically through attraction.

Eurovision Soft Power Lesson
Eurovision’s Soft Power Lesson

Jamala’s victory at Eurovision, a popular singing competition most Americans have never heard of, offers lessons in soft power.

Soft Power
Soft Power and Preparing for an Iraq after ISIS

On April 2 at Providence’s “Islam, the Middle East, and Christian Engagement with the Middle East” event in Middleburg, Virginia, Chris Seiple spoke about how Americans and Christians could use soft power to engage with various communities.