
Is David French a Christian Nationalist? Manufacturing Christian Nationalism
Is David French a Christian Nationalist? Manufacturing Christian Nationalism

Christian nationalism is a thing, but it is not the thing many of its critics describe. Christians concerned about Christian nationalism should be wary of looking to Sojourners, the Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Freedom, and the Freedom From Religion Foundation for information about this phenomenon.

International Religious Freedom Should Never Be Politicized
International Religious Freedom Should Never Be Politicized

International religious freedom is not a partisan issue and should never be framed as such. Democrats and Republicans have always worked together on this issue and should continue to do so.

American Christian Witness and Turkey’s Hostage

Are American evangelicals right to support US sanctions against Turkey to release American missionary Andrew Brunson?

Christian Realism
Christian Realism & U.S. Foreign Policy

Reinhold Niebuhr exposed the assumptions of progressive Christianity and helped create the political theology of “Christian realism”, which sought a more biblical view of how the Christian citizen can live responsibly within a civilization in crisis.