
Who’s Afraid of Christian Nationalism?

Mark David Hall’s new book chronicles the history of “Christian nationalism” in America

Iran Does Not Need Feminism, It Needs Freedom

Protesting the mandatory hijab law will never change Iran until the government respects religious freedom.

Sudan: The Ongoing Conflict

When the variable spirit of human justice stands against the relative constant of greed and power, sadly it is the latter that often wins

Integralism, Christian and Islamic

There’s a new phenomenon in Iran: young men and women posting videos of themselves flipping the turbans off clerics’ heads….

An Aquinas Americans Can Reason With

Thomism and liberalism are not hopeless enemies: a review of The Christian Structure of Politics: On the De Regno of Thomas Aquinas

Throne-Altar Nostalgia: Appeal of Catholic Integralism Grows
Throne-Altar Nostalgia: Appeal of Catholic Integralism Grows

For American Protestants used to the First Amendment’s protection of religious freedom, integralism—the doctrine that the state should publicly support the Catholic Church and protect that faith—sounds strange.

King Jesus and the Rule of Nations
King Jesus and the Rule of Nations

The most glaring weakness in the Declaration, by my lights, is the failure to reckon with and address the kingship of Jesus Christ.