Divergent conceptions of religion, nationalism, and the role of the state leave Europe divided in ways it has not been since the end of the Cold War.
Peter RoughApril 11, 2019
Instead of viewing the U.S. military as the world’s policeman or as protecting free riders around the globe, we should understand why it is in America’s interests to maintain forces in Europe and ensure that NATO remains strong.
Brian SlatteryMay 3, 2016
Many have rightly said Europe should have a more effective military force. However, Trump wrongly implies that bases in Germany do not serve any national interests, and he may even be wrong to imply that America has troops in Germany primarily to defend Europe.
Mark MeltonMarch 31, 2016
Two years after the Ukrainian revolution that eventually ousted its thuggish president, enthusiasm for the European project has reached a new low.
Joseph LoconteDecember 30, 2015