
Day 7: Meaning in 3-D - Christmas - Trinity - Yule Blog
Day 7: Meaning in 3-D

It is a terrible scandal, but there is no way to separate the Trinity from Christmas.

Day 7: Meaning in 3-D Yule Blog Trinity Christmas
Day 7: Meaning in 3-D

My goal is much more modest: to help Christian and non-Christian readers understand what classical vanilla Christians mean when they identify the baby in the manger with God on high. That means taking on the most controversial and complex idea in Christianity; the doctrine of the Trinity is wrapped around that baby in the manger even tighter than the swaddling clothes.

Day 7: Meaning in 3-D - Yule Blog - Holy Trinity
Day 7: Meaning in 3-D

Nothing separates Christianity from other religions like the two big holidays of Christmas and Easter, and Christmas especially.