While the Trump administration has distanced itself from multilateralism with an “America First” approach, the Chinese communist regime has sought to promote and exploit multilateralism in pursuit of a “China First” policy, one that is at variance not only with America’s national interests, but with those of the rest of the world’s sovereign states as well.
Jianli Yang & Aaron RhodesDecember 10, 2020
When Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced the formation of a Commission on Unalienable Rights in July 2019, many activists and pundits reacted sharply and negatively. But the world needs clarity on human rights.
Paul MarshallJuly 30, 2020
Religious liberty is not a luxury good that countries can dismiss and still “get by.” It’s necessary for a vibrant democratic society and national security.
Christos A. MakridisJune 25, 2020
Abraham Kuyper unquestionably had his failures and his blind spots. But he also labored to find balanced and faithful Christian realist positions on international affairs. We would do well to imitate those principles today.
Robert JoustraMay 28, 2020
No one concerned about the erosion of freedom in the world can afford to be complacent about the state of international human rights, or simply blame it on bad actors. The UN’s bureaucratic human rights mechanisms increasingly fail to protect individual human rights, yet offer cover to human rights abusers.
Aaron RhodesMarch 16, 2020
Egypt boasts the largest population of Christians in the Near East and thus offers the best chance to protect and empower them. A successful model here can be duplicated elsewhere.
Robert NicholsonDecember 20, 2019
A respected prosecutor chaired a panel of experts to examine whether China ended its practice of organ harvesting in 2006, as Beijing claims. These human rights advocates, physicians, and diverse leaders uncovered haunting violations.
Josh M. ShepherdJune 24, 2019
The United States can protect its interests and promulgate its values at the same time. If we are to be exceptional, we must live in the tension that exceptionalism brings.
Robert NicholsonMay 29, 2019
In the ceaseless struggle between civilization and barbarism, America has tipped the scales toward civilization, toward freedom and justice. In many ways, it has organized its national life—its economic, military, and moral resources—toward this end. Are we still up to the task?
Joseph LoconteApril 23, 2019