US Senate

Bipartisan Senate Resolution Calls for Stronger Response to Worsening Religious Freedom Conditions Worldwide

Even as partisan divides are increasingly intractable, the promotion of international religious freedom remains one bright spot

Lessons In Christian Realism from the Life of John McCain
Lessons In Christian Realism from the Life of John McCain

As a journal of Christianity and American foreign policy, we wish to acknowledge the distinct contribution made by Sen. McCain to the advancement of Christian virtues in the field of American foreign affairs and American Foreign Policy. 

Consistently Inconsistent: Haspel’s Appointment Exposes Disingenuous Democrats
Consistently Inconsistent: Haspel’s Appointment Exposes Disingenuous Democrats

John Brennan, who could be credibly blamed as one of the waterboarding program’s chief supporters, seems to escape with little to no blame, while Gina Haspel, who was carrying out the orders of her higher-ups, gets accused of moral impropriety because she was tasked with implementing their plan.

Why the League Failed
Why the League Failed: 13 Crippling Shortcomings

The much-maligned League of Nations experienced difficulties and shortcomings, which are visible in the functioning of the modern UN – and to a lesser extent, the International Criminal Court. George Stewart provides no less than thirteen reasons for the League’s failure, foremost among them the United States’ refusal to join, despite President Wilson’s labors as the prime architect. Stewart’s criticism of the League’s weaknesses, in its simultaneous impotence and incompetence, serves as a reminder for the need of robust, yet practical, international structures.

What You Should Know About the Arms Trade Treaty
What You Should Know About the Arms Trade Treaty

The nations that ratified a global Arms Trade Treaty are gathering for their third annual conference this week in Geneva, Switzerland. Here is what you should know about this treaty on conventional arms.