
Intersectionality Goes International: Amnesty International Demands Postponement of Brett Kavanaugh Vote
Intersectionality Goes International: Amnesty International Demands Postponement of Brett Kavanaugh Vote

As if the circus-turned-madhouse confirmation process could not get any more bizarre, Amnesty International has demanded that the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation hearing be postponed.

Consistently Inconsistent: Haspel’s Appointment Exposes Disingenuous Democrats
Consistently Inconsistent: Haspel’s Appointment Exposes Disingenuous Democrats

John Brennan, who could be credibly blamed as one of the waterboarding program’s chief supporters, seems to escape with little to no blame, while Gina Haspel, who was carrying out the orders of her higher-ups, gets accused of moral impropriety because she was tasked with implementing their plan.

Can Christians Support Gina Haspel as CIA Director? Torture Bonnie Kristian
Can Christians Support Gina Haspel, a “Torturer,” as CIA Director?

Can a Christian support using sleep deprivation against known terrorists to gain valuable intelligence that could save lives?

Ferguson on the Kabul Enhanced Interrogation
Ferguson on the Kabul

Too often, in too many places, disturbing visuals triumph over hard but salubrious truth. This is never a cause to be happy, and the lesson of unintended consequence will always be felt.

Eric Fair
Slanderous Emoting

The Sunday New York Times ran a genre piece by Eric Fair (“Owning Up To Torture”) where he employed the familiar technique of slander through emoting.

Guantanamo Bay Gitmo
Debating How to Defend Ourselves

If Gitmo is “contrary to who we are,” to borrow Obama’s language, if EITs “caused immeasurable damage to the United States’ public standing,” to quote the Senate report, then what exactly is a drone war that metes out punishment based on guilt by association and amounts to execution without trial?