In the second episode of the weekly series of Marksism, Mark Tooley (editor) and Marc LiVecche (executive editor) discuss the events of late May 2020. They begin by addressing rioting and looting taking place in response to the death of George Floyd, arguing against the justification of riots as a merited response to racial injustice. They then move to the topic of China, where they discuss the approach Reinhold Niebur would have taken toward China in light of its suppression of civil liberties in Hong Kong, the presence of its troops on Indian soil, its mishandling of the coronavirus pandemic, the growth of its military spending, and the increasing resistance from Americans toward it. They finally discuss the concept of sovereignty in relation to China in light of an article published by Providence that past week, available here.
Marksism | Ep. 2: On Rioting, Reinhold Niebur, and More
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