Antonio Graceffo

Antonio Graceffo, PhD, China-MBA, is a China economic analyst teaching economics at the American University in Mongolia. He has spent 20 years in Asia and is the author of six books about China. His writing has appeared in The DiplomatSouth China Morning PostJamestown Foundation China BriefPenthouse, Shanghai Institute of American Studies, Epoch TimesWar on the Rocks, Just the News, and Black Belt Magazine.

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Escalating Christian Repression: Beijing’s Crackdown in Mainland China and Hong Kong 

Once again, USCIRF has recommended that the People’s Republic of China (PRC) be designated a country of particular concern due to religious persecution.

Forced Conversions of Christians in India 

A disturbing trend of forced or coerced conversions of Christians to Hinduism is emerging in India

Nigeria’s Christian Repression Continues 

Violence in Nigeria against Christians by groups like Boko Haram is continuing unabated

Lebanon’s Sectarian Dynamics and the Israel-Hezbollah War

Lebanon is wrapped up in a complex web of religious and sectarian alliances and rivalries

Catholics in Myanmar’s Civil War

Myanmar has been in a state of civil war since 2021, with Roman Catholics playing a key role in pro-Democracy forces

Contested Caucuses: Armenia, Azerbaijan, America, Russia, Israel, and Iran

The Caucuses, though seemingly far off, are at the center of much broader geostrategic struggles

Russia’s Religious Offensive in Africa

Moscow portrays itself as an alternative to the decadent West in Africa to gain support for its invasion of Ukraine

The Chinese Communist Party’s War on Catholicism

The CCP is increasingly cracking down on Chinese Roman Catholics

Silicon Valley Bank Failure: Not 2008, But Still Worrying

Though the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank is worrying for its own reasons, it will not lead to a global recession.

St. Antonio and the Scholastics: Medieval Monks as Economists

Surprisingly, the first thinker to produce a systematic treatise on what’s today called Economics was Renaissance-era Dominican monk St. Antonio of Florence.