Obama Administration

Biden’s Failed Strategy in Venezuela and Iran

To understand why Biden’s strategy failed in Venezuela, it is clarifying to consider his similarly ineffective approach to Iran

Paul Miller Christianity & National Security 2023

Paul Miller’s lecture at Christianity & National Security 2023. Paul Miller discusses Afghanistan, Christian realism, and secular realism. The following…

Steering the Ship of State

The Biden administration and the permanent bureaucracy are chained to an idea of foreign affairs that fails to protect American interests in an era of Great Power conflict.

Ukraine’s Blame Game

Whose mistakes led to the Russian invasion of Ukraine?

Xi’s Color Revolution Obsession

Xi Jinping is rolling out strategy to prohibit “western influences” in Chinese society from repeating so-called Color Revolutions such as those in the post-USSR.

Was the Arab Spring Worth It?

Tunisia’s democratic repeal of their constitution should raise questions about the purpose and goals of the US-backed Arab Spring

Matt Gobush Christianity & National Security Conference 2022

Matt Gobush’s lecture at the Christianity & National Security Conference 2022. Matt Gobush discusses Christian realism, moral injury, and the…

The Natural Next Step: Afghanistan Withdrawal in Context
The Natural Next Step: Afghanistan Withdrawal in Context

One adjective that should never be used to describe the US retreat from Afghanistan is “surprising.” In fact, what happened in Kabul in 2021 was the natural next step on the inward-turning path Americans began walking in 2009.

Force Short of War and Jus ad Vim
Force Short of War and Jus ad Vim

Force-short-of-war raises many moral questions, and jus ad vim has been an attempt to provide answers.

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