
The Ghettoization of Western Civilization in Universities

As schools like UNC found centers devoted to perspectives other than the left-wing views that dominate universities, the need for such viewpoint diversity is more apparent than ever

Byzantine Christianity, Mongol Autocracy, and Geography: How Imperialism Came to Define Russia

Russia’s legacy as the “third Rome,” its inheriting of a Mongol political system, and its geography all help explain why its expansionist aggression

A Tale of Two Nuns Martyred Under Fascism & Communism

Edith Stein and Olga Bida, two Catholic martyrs who perished under Nazi and Soviet rule, remind us today how to live according to the truth that Christ’s Kingdom is not of this world

The Innocence of Pilate, the Guilt of Humanity

Jesus “suffered under Pontius Pilate,” but how much blame does the Roman governor of Judea really deserve?

Why History & Social Science Cannot Substitute for Classic Fiction

Great literature remains indispensable in the formation of the statesman and the citizen

American Christians Should Lose Their Aversion to Seeing the US as an Empire, and Empires Generally

Despite the very real foibles of British and American imperialism, the Anglo-American world order has consistently been preferable to the totalitarian alternatives

America’s 1970s Problems Are Her 2020s Problems

From inflation at home to declining American power abroad, the 2020s are looking a lot like the 1970s

The Protection Afforded to Superpower Citizenship Has Disappeared

American citizenship abroad should mean the expectation of protection, not of being a bargaining chip for authoritarians and terrorists

Cultural Sanctification in 50 AD and 2024 AD

Christians today are understandably concerned about an increasingly hostile culture, but we should recall the early church’s response to the Roman Empire’s even more hostile culture

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