
Starship Troopers: Heinlein’s Classic Realism

The novel Starship Troopers (1959) remains a classic of realist political philosophy in the democratic tradition

Palm Sunday Jesus triumphal entry
A Tale of Two Cities: What the Cross of Christ Did (And Didn’t Do)

The Holy Week Reader: Palm Sunday witnessed the rise of two cities in the world of humanity. Christians are citizens of both. Attendant responsibilities follow.

Joseph Loconte Christianity & National Security 2023

Joseph Loconte’s lecture at Christianity & National Security 2023. Joseph Loconte discusses C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, and their perspectives on…

J. Daryl Charles Christianity & National Security 2023

J. Daryl Charles’ lecture at Christianity & National Security 2023. J. Daryl Charles discusses justice, neighborly love, and great power…

Just War in One Principle: The Reality of Sin

There are many arguments in favor of Just War Theory, but none so potent as the reality of human sinfulness

Evangelizing Politics

The purpose of Christian engagement in politics is not to eradicate injustice and evil but to express love towards people and to testify to the goodness of Christ

American Withdrawal is America Last

Some America First Republicans are nearly indistinguishable from the standard fare retreaters we were served from the “Blame America First” leftists of the Cold War.

The Mad Pacifism of Doctor Who

The BBC should bring back the skepticism of pacifism that Doctor Who used to have.

Joseph Loconte Christianity & National Security Conference 2022

Joseph Loconte’s lecture at the Christianity & National Security Conference, 2022. Joseph Loconte discusses C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, and war’s…

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