Freedom of the Press

Acknowledging Russian Security Threats While Avoiding Russophobia

For the sake of someday having positive relations with Russia post-Putin, we must avoid Russophobia even as we support Ukraine

Twitter and Christendom

We meed a Christian Realist ethic of social media

Turkey: the Dissident Prison

With the 2023 presidential elections looming, the Turkish government is escalating its aggression against dissident journalists, human rights defenders, and Kurdish political activists in the country.

On Ukraine, Outright Lies in the Epoch Times

Troubling distortions from the right wing outlet The Epoch Times on the Ukrainian Invasion.

Does Free Speech Exist in Turkey? - Osman Kavala
Does Free Speech Exist in Turkey?

The Turkish government struck another hard blow against civil society and human rights advocates in the country.

Free Speech Healthy Politics House Un-American Activities Committee
Free Speech and Healthy Politics

Now what is here symbolized has been the most fundamental idea in our American democracy. Ours is a government by discussion.

With the End of Apple Daily, Hong Kong’s Freedoms Take Another Blow
With the End of Apple Daily, Hong Kong’s Freedoms Take Another Blow

Hong Kong’s well-known pro-democracy newspaper Apple Daily was forced to run its final edition on June 24 after authorities used the new national security law to freeze the company’s assets without a court order. It is yet another sign that the light of the city’s freedom is flickering out.

The NBA and the Long Arm of China

The NBA’s groveling reaction to Daryl Morey’s high crime of tweeting “Fight for freedom, stand with Hong Kong” sent shockwaves…

No Justice for Journalists Murdered in Turkey and Cyprus
No Justice for Journalists Murdered in Turkey and Cyprus

On the twelfth anniversary of the assassination of Armenian journalist Hrant Dink in Turkey, deputies from the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) and Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) rejected in January a parliamentary motion from a deputy of the opposition Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) that aimed to shed light on the murder.

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