Civil Religion

Exclusive interview with Archbishop Bagrat Galstanyan: The Future of Armenia, Legacy of Genocide and Regional Relations

Archbishop Bagrat Galstanyan has emerged as an increasingly prominent leader in Armenia

China’s War on the Dalai Lama Stokes Tension with India and Russia

The Dalai Lama continues to be well-loved in both India and Russia, frustrating China’s efforts at a broad anti-Western alliance

After the Fall: A Christian’s Confession of His Role in Afghanistan

A strategically and morally incoherent approach to Afghanistan doomed America’s efforts there from the start

Jefferson’s Tombstone, and Ours?

Thomas Jefferson valued universal religious liberty as one of his greatest accomplishments. Do his lessons from America’s founding last today?

America Must Not Alienate India and Japan as Conservative Democracies

As competition with China intensifies, the US cannot afford to alienate Japan and India as nations with a strong sense of national identity

Turning Points in American Church History: How Pivotal Events Shaped a Nation and a Faith

Review of Elesha Coffman’s “Turning Points in American Church History: How Pivotal Events Shaped a Nation and a Faith.”

Towards a More Reasonable Account of American Christian Nationalism

American Christian nationalism is, critics would have us believe, a very scary thing

India at 76 Years: What Was Gandhi’s National Vision?

What was the vision Gandhi had for a post-British India?

Sudan: The Ongoing Conflict

When the variable spirit of human justice stands against the relative constant of greed and power, sadly it is the latter that often wins

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