
Doing Diplomacy with Evil Men

The Biden Administration seeks to deescalate and minimize conflict with Iran and Russia, but fails to understand that our enemies seek not peace but the destruction of the American-led global order

Securing a Core Group of Near East Allies to Counter Iran

The United States must cement a core group of allies in the Middle East as the basis for stability in a long-unstable region

NATO’s Future is Churchillian, Not Wilsonian

The future of NATO must be defined by Churchillian realism and not Wilsonian idealism

If the Choice Is Charlatans or Fanatics, Choose the Former

Better to side with transparently self-interested Saudi over transparently evil Iran

Obstacles to Peace in Ukraine: President Biden and Mr. Trump

America never recognized the USSR’s occupation of the Baltics, but didn’t let it derail our diplomacy. This should be our approach with Ukraine and Crimea.

Diplomatic Icebreakers

Peace with Russia, as in Soviet times, has always been unpalatable but necessary.

What Does America Owe its Citizens Abroad?

Pax Romana, Pax Britannica, Pax Americana: What does hegemon status mean for American citizens abroad?

Defending the Liberal International Order

From Kabul to Kiev, from the South China Sea to the Persian Gulf, from space to cyberspace, the U.S.-led international…

James Baker’s Cold Realism

His approach in politics and diplomacy made Baker often unappealing to advocates of conviction politics but indispensable to situations needing practical results.

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