Christianity & Crisis Archives

Christianity in Communist North China

From the Archives of Christianity & Crisis Magazine: October 13, 1947.

Utilities of the Christian Imperative

From Christianity and Crisis, July 1947: “The beginning of wisdom is to know that God’s will rules His world.” But discerning the end of wisdom is more complicated.

Debate on China
Debate on China

A.J. Brace discusses the dangers of the rising Chinese Communist Party 75 years ago.

China—As a Chinese Sees It
China—As a Chinese Sees It

Why did the CCP grow so strong? George Dsang explains in this Christianity and Crisis article from 75 years ago.

Arnold Toynbee on the Meaning of History for the Soul
Arnold Toynbee on the Meaning of History for the Soul

Shortly after he appeared on the cover of Time, English historian Arnold Toynbee wrote an essay about how Christians should view history.

Religious Liberty in Italy after World War II

In the following article from 75 years ago, Howard V. Yergin warned Americans about the emerging Italian constitution that would effectively privilege Catholics and treat religious minorities less favorably.

Christian Realism and Enlightened Self-Interest as the Marshall Plan Emerges
Christian Realism and Enlightened Self-Interest as the Marshall Plan Emerged

The economic aid which is required could not be a matter of pure generosity. Nations as nations are incapable of such generosity.

Post-War Munich and American Housing Requisitions: A Christian Realist Plea
Post-War Munich and American Housing Requisitions: A Christian Realist Plea

“The people of Munich were informed by proclamation of the city administration that the requisition of private homes for army housing was to be carried through, and to a greater extent than had been hitherto feared.”

Ruins of Old Fort Randall Church on the right bank of the Missouri River in Pickstown, Charles Mix County, South Dakota, on July 9, 1947. By Roy Oglesby for Historic American Buildings Survey, via Wikimedia Commons.
Man’s Chief End and the Meaning of Life

Man is troubled—more troubled than at any previous time in the brief sojourn of his kind on this planet. Wars, revolutions and social convulsions all indicate the depth of his disquiet. He is troubled because he does not know, and he wants to know, the meaning of his own life.

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