
Robert Kagan’s “Antiliberalism” Gives Christianity All the Blame and None of the Credit for American Exceptionalism

Robert Kagan’s new book mistakenly argues that everything bad in America comes from religion and everything good from the Enlightenment

Edward Bouverie Pusey, Edmund Burke, and Anglican Political Theory

Edmund Burke is among the most influential political theorists ever, yet his influence on 19th century Britain and Anglicanism can’t be understood without Edward Pusey

What the Right Can Learn from a Left-Wing Critique of “Wokeness”

Fredrik deBoer’s new book is written from a far-left perspective, but conservatives can still learn from its critique of “wokeness”

Recommitting Ourselves to the Freedom of Captive Nations

In 1959, Congress designated the third week of July as Captive Nations Week for those suffering under Communism and authoritarianism around the world

Jefferson’s Tombstone, and Ours?

Thomas Jefferson valued universal religious liberty as one of his greatest accomplishments. Do his lessons from America’s founding last today?

Acknowledging Russian Security Threats While Avoiding Russophobia

For the sake of someday having positive relations with Russia post-Putin, we must avoid Russophobia even as we support Ukraine

Judas' betrayal of Jesus shows that Divine love is willing to give human beings despite the risks, because love must be free
The Holy Week Reader—Wednesday: Volo Ut Sis

Christ’s treatment of Judas, despite his betrayal, illustrates the Divine Love that was willing to bring human beings into being despite the risks. Because that’s what love does.

Rebecca Munson Christianity & National Security 2023

Rebecca Munson’s lecture at Christianity & National Security 2023. Rebecca Munson discusses international human rights, Christian morals, and the fight…

Paul Miller Christianity & National Security 2023

Paul Miller’s lecture at Christianity & National Security 2023. Paul Miller discusses Afghanistan, Christian realism, and secular realism. The following…

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