COVID-19 Pandemic

How the Church Can Counsel Us During the Next Pandemic

As Promisel and Russell have argued, the Catholic Church’s teaching on solidarity should serve as a signpost for the US to navigate the next pandemic

Reflections on Truck Blockades and Canada’s Martial Law

The Canadian trucker protests deserve attention, especially viewed in the light of recent events in Canada that have been little-known outside the country, and also for what they reveal about the country’s political order and class divisions.

The World Must Investigate COVID-19’s Origin
The World Must Investigate COVID-19’s Origin

If any government has the most need to know COVID-19’s origin, it is the Chinese government ruled by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s general secretary, Xi Jinping.

Americans Have Strength, Need Hope

Despite the gloomy outlook, there are several reasons for hope this Advent season. This is not nearly the darkest period in American or global history, and there are good reasons to believe that the US still possesses all the tools needed to revitalize the country and stabilize the international system. The question is whether we will use them effectively.

Poor Leadership Fails Palestinians, Again - COVID-19 Vaccines
Poor Leadership Fails Palestinians, Again

The Palestinian Authority has rejected desperately needed COVID-19 vaccines from Israel, and Palestinians deserve better from their leaders.

America’s Moral Failure to Vaccinate Poor Countries Earlier? COVAX COVID-19
America’s Moral Failure to Vaccinate Poorer Countries Earlier?

Some idealists may blame the selfishness of wealthy governments and their citizens for COVAX’s failure, but the organizers should have considered mankind’s selfish nature when designing the program.

Mocking India’s Health Crisis Reflects the CCP’s Wicked Thinking and Hurts China’s Soft Power
Mocking India’s Health Crisis Reflects the CCP’s Wicked Thinking and Hurts China’s Soft Power

This racism and mockery have certainly dented China’s image and drained its already meager soft power while the CCP tries to forge its soft power narrative of a “Community of Common Destiny for Humankind.” Such behavior will hurt its rise on the world stage.

Convenient COVID-19 Closures: The Contrivance of Scotland and Algeria to Close Churches
Convenient COVID-19 Closures: The Contrivance of Scotland and Algeria to Close Churches

Christians around the world should hold in mind and in prayer their brothers and sisters in Algeria who were barred from meeting together to celebrate Easter.

Will Arab Allies Seize Opportunity to Get COVID-19 Vaccines to Palestinians?
Will Arab Allies Seize Opportunity to Get COVID-19 Vaccines to Palestinians?

Palestine’s regional Arab allies, not Israel, should lead efforts to secure vaccines for the Palestinian population. The current crisis presents an opportunity for Arab countries to build goodwill internationally and support the Palestinian people by providing vaccines to the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

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