American Exceptionalism

What the Right Can Learn from a Left-Wing Critique of “Wokeness”

Fredrik deBoer’s new book is written from a far-left perspective, but conservatives can still learn from its critique of “wokeness”

America’s Endless Horizons

America is an unstoppable beast, in the best sense. 

Legitimate Internationalism vs. Imperialism in Ukraine

America is best understood as a missionary civilization, not an imperial one

Henry Clay and the Problem of Politics

Few figures in American history have had as distinguished a political career as Henry Clay.

Kissinger, America & Humanity

Kisinger was immune to soaring Yankee optimism. 

A Decent Respect to the Opinions of Mankind

Non-Americans have long seen America as a fairer international dealer than her rivals. But why?

Rediscovering America’s Purpose

America was once the world’s arsenal of democracy, can it be again?

Thomas Paine’s Enduring Wisdom

Thomas Paine was an inspiration to the founders and still has lessons for today

What Does America Owe its Citizens Abroad?

Pax Romana, Pax Britannica, Pax Americana: What does hegemon status mean for American citizens abroad?

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