
Review of David Bentley Hart’s “All Things Are Full of Gods: The Mysteries of Mind and Life”

David Bentley Hart’s latest book is the finest rebuttal to the scientific materialist philosophy of mind and reality we have seen yet

Jesus Christ and the Democratic Ethos

Pagan virtues and philosophy, for all the glory of Greece and Rome, could never imagine the radical equality and servant-leadership intrinsic to American democracy

The Many Dimensions of Christian Nationalism

Christian nationalism is a multifaceted phenomenon, influenced by a variety of factors that are each worth individually examining

kavod good friday weight glory
The Holy Week Reader—Friday: Kavod! The Weight of Glory

Peter Paul Ruben’s extraordinary “Raising of the Cross” helps reflect on Divine love, human flourishing, and the weight of glory.

go and do likewise, violence sacrifice jesus easter
The Holy Week Reader—Thursday: Go and Do Likewise

Maundy Thursday has much to say both about the location of human flourishing and the role violence might play in it.

Judas' betrayal of Jesus shows that Divine love is willing to give human beings despite the risks, because love must be free
The Holy Week Reader—Wednesday: Volo Ut Sis

Christ’s treatment of Judas, despite his betrayal, illustrates the Divine Love that was willing to bring human beings into being despite the risks. Because that’s what love does.

the second temple destruction on passover
The Holy Week Reader—Tuesday: Living Faithfully Under Sentence of Death

Holy Tuesday is about preparation, endurance, and hope despite the grim realities around us. In the face of the certainty of death, we are shown how best to live.

Was Jesus a Pacifist?
The Holy Week Reader—Monday: A Savior Who Overturns Tables

The cleansing of the temple reveals the character of our Messiah and is a model for those who would follow him.

Palm Sunday Jesus triumphal entry
A Tale of Two Cities: What the Cross of Christ Did (And Didn’t Do)

The Holy Week Reader: Palm Sunday witnessed the rise of two cities in the world of humanity. Christians are citizens of both. Attendant responsibilities follow.

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