Vietnam War

Faith and Values: Revisiting The Long Gray Line

How a military works to rebuild itself, and how to find value in service to an ungrateful nation are evergreen lessons of Atkinson’s novel.

PBS’s “The Movement & The Madman”

Reinhold Niebuhr would recognize the nuances that this documentary chose to ignore.  

porter halyburton
Reflections On Captivity (And Freedom): A Review

Porter Halyburton’s extraordinary memoir of his POW experience is a testament to the power of choice and human liberty

WASP Brahmin & Killing Diem

Lodge was governed by a WASP devotion to American interests and to democratic fair play that drove his role toward displacing the autocratic Diem.

Appeasement’s Complex Lessons

Tooley: Hello this is Mark Tooley, editor of Providence: A Journal of Christianity & American Foreign Policy, with the pleasure…

Humbling Account of a Vietnam Tragedy: Review of Bowden’s Hue 1968
Humbling Account of a Vietnam Tragedy: Review of Mark Bowden’s Hue 1968

In Hue 1968, Mark Bowden describes the horrors of war through the eyes of those who fought the battles. His work is carefully researched, well organized, and smoothly written.

Hope from Vietnamese-American Admiral

Huan Nguyen recently became America’s first Vietnamese American admiral.  His parents and five siblings were killed by the Viet Cong…

Burns and Novick’s The Vietnam War is Profoundly and Fundamentally Wrong
Burns and Novick’s The Vietnam War is Profoundly and Fundamentally Wrong

From my perspective the Ken Burns and Lynn Novick production of “The Vietnam War” had but one objective: to reinforce the standard anti-war narrative that the Vietnam War was unwinnable, illegal, immoral, and ineptly conducted by the allies from start to finish.

What Ken Burns Omits From The Vietnam War

Although Burns and Novick don’t besmirch veterans as flagrantly, their misrepresentation of the war and its warriors has reopened old wounds. It’s not just Vietnam veterans’ reputations at stake; how we view this war shapes how we view ourselves as Americans.

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