
Christianity in Communist North China

From the Archives of Christianity & Crisis Magazine: October 13, 1947.

Protestant Christians in Turkey Exposed to Discrimination, Deportations, Hate Speech
Protestant Christians in Turkey Exposed to Discrimination, Deportations, Hate Speech

There is also a growing Christian demographic group in Turkey: converts to Christianity, many of whom converted to a Protestant church. They increasingly face discrimination.

The Church’s Mission for Ukrainian Refugees
The Church’s Mission for Ukrainian Refugees

While we may not be able to create peace on earth, by offering a “cup of cold water” in Jesus’ name, we can bring peace to the hearts of many.

Religion in World Politics

If we are to take a constructive part in world politics our leaders cannot assume that religious questions are unimportant.

The American Missions in Korea: Complete Success, Completely Forgotten
The American Missions in Korea: Complete Success, Completely Forgotten

The American-led Protestant missions in Korea achieved perhaps the most rapid and complete transformation of a nation in the history of Christianity, but they disappeared into almost complete obscurity by the time that the Korean War forced Americans to pay attention to Korea.

Preachers and Spooks: Should US Missionaries Collaborate with US Intelligence Services?
Preachers and Spooks: Should US Missionaries Collaborate with US Intelligence Services?

Should US missionaries collaborate with US intelligence services? What if one’s home government invited the missionary to use lethal authorized force against a known terrorist target?

From Missionary Kid to Global Bridge Builder: Missions’ Place in American Foreign Policy and International Relations
From Missionary Kid to Global Bridge Builder: Missions’ Place in American Foreign Policy and International Relations

American Christians should recognize and promote these missionaries’ efforts that both advance the Kingdom of God and ensure a more peaceful world.

Christian Missions: Divine Calling or Cause for Concern?
Christian Missions: Divine Calling or Cause for Concern?

The impact of American missionaries on American foreign policy is three-fold: it can be applied outward to other nations, inward to our own, and upward into the official foreign relations apparatus.

John Allen Chau’s Death and the Moral High Ground: Marc LiVecche Responds to a Critique Amy Fallas
John Allen Chau’s Death and an Old Debate over Missions: Marc LiVecche Responds to a Critique

Marc LiVecche is grateful to Amy Fallas for responding to his essay discussing the death of John Allen Chau. But he’s not entirely convinced she’s advanced the conversation all that much. Rather than challenge anything the essay said, LiVecche thinks she has confirmed it.

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