Christian Realism

The Death of Deterrence

If the West allows the credible threat of deterrence to die with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, only more violence will ensue in the long run

Our Civilizational Moment

Samuel Huntington’s “Clash of Civilizations” thesis was regarded as highly controversial 30 years, yet decades later his claims have been vindicated

Milton Friedman Misrepresents Adam Smith

Milton Friedman, though greatly enamored with Adam Smith, misrepresented Smith’s concept of self-interest

After the Fall: A Christian’s Confession of His Role in Afghanistan

A strategically and morally incoherent approach to Afghanistan doomed America’s efforts there from the start

The 2024 Election: The Scandalized Presidency, Kairos, and Christian Response 

Despite the limits on Executive power, the American President still represents the country, Chesterton explains.

Machiavelli, Col. Jessup and the Leaders We Need

Col. Jessup and Machiavelli agree: sometimes, you need to stop moralizing and do what needs to be done for the sake of national self-preservation

How Tolkien’s Frenemy, Charles Williams, Indirectly Saved Lord of the Rings

Though Tolkien was not a fan of Charles Williams’ work, the latter would prove to have an enormous influence on the former

Review of “Faithful Reason” by Andrew Walker

Andrew Walker compellingly argues that God is the only sure ground for coherent ethical discourse and public order

Teaching IR Christianly 

What does it mean to teach man-made theories of social science and history in reference to transcendent Christian principles?

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