
The Rise of Eurasia and the Russia-China-Iran-NK Axis

The idea of a unified Eurasian continent dominating the world goes back over a century, but in 2024 China, Russia, North Korea and Iran have made it almost a reality

John Brown, Christian Nationalist

To understand discourse around “Christian nationalism,” look no further than the abolitionist hailed by many on the left

A Free People’s Virtue

Christians know by faith and experience that no ruler or regime can be entrusted with complete power,

To Rejuvenate Our Politics, Look to the Classics 

Though politics today is viewed as nasty and cruel, the progenitors of Western Civilization saw it as an opportunity to work together for the common good

American Dominance in Space Isn’t Inevitable 

While the United States won the Space Race in the 1960s against Russia, today we are in danger of losing the longer Space Marathon to China

What the Right Can Learn from a Left-Wing Critique of “Wokeness”

Fredrik deBoer’s new book is written from a far-left perspective, but conservatives can still learn from its critique of “wokeness”

Jesus Christ and the Democratic Ethos

Pagan virtues and philosophy, for all the glory of Greece and Rome, could never imagine the radical equality and servant-leadership intrinsic to American democracy

Securing a Core Group of Near East Allies to Counter Iran

The United States must cement a core group of allies in the Middle East as the basis for stability in a long-unstable region

Taking the Long View of Politics in “Citizenship Without Illusions”

Review of David Koyzis’ new book, “Citizenship Without Illusions”

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