The World in 2020

Is a Transatlantic Breakup Coming? Five Geopolitical Trends to Watch in Europe in 2020
Is a Transatlantic Breakup Coming? Five Geopolitical Trends to Watch in 2020

An outright transatlantic breakup isn’t imminent today, but some European countries may eventually try to balance the US and China geopolitically.

2020 Forecast: What Could Happen in Latin America and the Caribbean?
2020 Forecast: What Could Happen in Latin America and the Caribbean?

As the new year commences, there are several developments taking place in Latin America and the Caribbean that will likely make international headlines in 2020. In this commentary, we will briefly discuss some issues to keep in mind.

Africa in 2020

Each African state faces its unique prospects and challenges heading into the new decade. Nevertheless, there are common themes and transnational trends we may expect to shape the continent in the new year and beyond.

The Next Decade in the Middle East
The Next Decade in the Middle East

The US has limited ability to influence a regional cold war and needs to choose its priorities carefully. This will be the most important story for us in the next decade as we try to get out of the Middle East without abandoning our allies and making the situation worse.

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