Alan Dowd

Alan Dowd

Alan Dowd is a contributing editor with Providence and a senior fellow with the Sagamore Institute, where he leads the Center for America’s Purpose (

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Conventional Wisdom on NATO

Those who emphasize an ‘America first’ mentality would do well to recall the many benefits NATO has accrued to the United States

The Free World Needs More than More of the Same

Whether it’s Biden or Trump in the White House come 2025, the American-led international order deserves better

Washington is Misreading Early Chapters of Cold War II

Viewed broadly, the war against Hamas is just one theater of Cold War II

The Re-United States of America

America is not as divided as you would think, and not as weak either

The Consequence of Reckless Words

Trump’s reckless words about NATO obscure the necessary and mutually beneficial nature of America’s system of alliances

The Urgent Task of Restoring American Deterrence

Recent attacks on US soldiers in the Near East prove that a course change in American foreign policy is necessary

Horseshoe Theory is Now Reality

Since the end of WWII, support for Israel has been a shared consensus on the center-left and right

The Barbarians of October 

American Christians must understand that morally equivocating on the Hamas-Israel conflict is not a virtue

A Shield and Sword for the Disinformation Age

We must arm ourselves for the challenges posed by deepfakes

Rediscovering America’s Purpose

America was once the world’s arsenal of democracy, can it be again?