
holocaust auschwitz
The End of Auschwitz

Today marks the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau. It is a good day to remember that some fights have to be fought.

Washington is Misreading Early Chapters of Cold War II

Viewed broadly, the war against Hamas is just one theater of Cold War II

the second temple destruction on passover
The Holy Week Reader—Tuesday: Living Faithfully Under Sentence of Death

Holy Tuesday is about preparation, endurance, and hope despite the grim realities around us. In the face of the certainty of death, we are shown how best to live.

Refuge for the Persecuted

May God always protect the prosecuted and the countries that give them asylum.

“Paradise” at Auschwitz

How easy it is to look away from horrors if we ourselves are comfortable.

Auschwitz holocaust
To Remember is an Action Verb

Today is Holocaust Remembrance Day. Among much else, it reminds us that the distinction between good and evil–the ability to make it–is essential to human flourishing.

What Has Israel to Do with Ukraine?

Ukraine and Israel may seem as disparate as two nations could be, but their history is indelibly linked

New Documentary Captures Greek Resistance to Nazis and Holocaust in WWII 

“My People” relates the stories of Greek-Jewish victims of the Holocaust the heroic resistance of the Greeks against the Nazis.

Chosen: A Lament for War

A Lament for War: Director Jasmin Dizdar on his Holocaust Film “The Chosen” and His Family History.

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