
American Dominance in Space Isn’t Inevitable 

While the United States won the Space Race in the 1960s against Russia, today we are in danger of losing the longer Space Marathon to China

Niall Ferguson Exaggerates America’s Weakness and China’s Strength

Niall Ferguson’s view that America may soon topple like the Soviet Union massively underestimates American resiliency, especially compared to China

Recommitting Ourselves to the Freedom of Captive Nations

In 1959, Congress designated the third week of July as Captive Nations Week for those suffering under Communism and authoritarianism around the world

Flag Day and Roll Call

On June 14, Washington, D.C. will host the annual Roll Call of Nations wreath-laying ceremony, commemorating those who have been the victims of totalitarian oppression. 

A Return to Ideological Competition: Western Liberal Values or Totalitarianism

Biden’s State of the Union lacked the moral clarity on the civilizational struggle the US is in against China and Russia

Learning from Lenin on the Centenary of his Death

In 2024, on the centenary of Vladimir Lenin’s death (1870-1924), the study of his writings is as important than ever

A Tale of Two Vladimirs

Vladimir Putin was not born to be a dictator, but rather made a series of free choices through adulthood that led him to evil

The New Progressive-Islamist Alliance

A pernicious coalition of progressives and Islamists has been at the forefront of anti-Israel activism. But this bond is nothing new.

Eric Patterson Christianity & National Security 2023

Eric Patterson’s lecture at Christianity & National Security 2023.

Eric Patterson discusses the just war tradition, the Augustine nature of Christian realism, and international order. The following is a transcript of the event.

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