
Leaving America’s Back Door Open

The Biden administration’s policy in Latin America has empowered anti-American regimes and endangered national interests.

J. Peter Pham Christianity & National Security 2023

J. Peter Pham’s lecture at Christianity & National Security 2023. J. Peter Pham discusses the demographic, economic, and spiritual growth…

“Politics” and Other Religious Words

There is no safe, neutral Hobbit hole to which we can retreat and enjoy a pint and a second breakfast while the rest of the world troubles itself with politics.

The Muslim Brotherhood’s European Cash Cow: the European Union

The organs of the EU are funding organizations that have a stated intention to undermine that which forms the basis of, as the EU describes it, the “European way of life.”

The Song of Deborah: a Call for Responsible Leadership

Human societies do not “fall into” a libertarian peace, nor do they self-organize at the grass-roots level into peaceful communes. No, they fall into anarchy, which is an open invitation to tyranny.

UN Releases Uighur Human Rights Report Despite Chinese Intimidation

The Uighurs would be in a very different situation if we could get Middle Eastern governments to restrict the flow of oil to China or if South Asian governments would say no to China’s tempting low-interest infrastructure projects.

Fighting for the Right to Be Jewish: Religious Liberty and Government Establishment

A state-enforced sexual establishment parallels the kind of religious establishment dissenters have long sought to dismantle, and for sound reasons.

One Less Irony

Niebuhr realized that an overweening faith in the powers of human rationality was a severely misplaced and perpetual threat which has reemerged in 2022 America. 

Egypt’s Burning Churches

It is awful enough news that Egypt’s Christians are suffering the effects of years of restrictions on building churches. Yet it is even worse news that they may, yet again, have also become the target of Islamic terrorists.

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