Political Theology

Was St. Paul a Christian Realist?

Romans 13 is often thought of as a key passage in political theology, but how should it be applied to international relations?

A Tale of Two Nuns Martyred Under Fascism & Communism

Edith Stein and Olga Bida, two Catholic martyrs who perished under Nazi and Soviet rule, remind us today how to live according to the truth that Christ’s Kingdom is not of this world

Exclusive interview with Archbishop Bagrat Galstanyan: The Future of Armenia, Legacy of Genocide and Regional Relations

Archbishop Bagrat Galstanyan has emerged as an increasingly prominent leader in Armenia

Edward Bouverie Pusey, Edmund Burke, and Anglican Political Theory

Edmund Burke is among the most influential political theorists ever, yet his influence on 19th century Britain and Anglicanism can’t be understood without Edward Pusey

Iran’s Enduring Apocalyptic Political Mythology

Iran’s governing elite cannot stop fighting Israel and America because the Islamic Republic’s foundational myth depends on a perpetual revolution waged against the West

Jesus Christ and the Democratic Ethos

Pagan virtues and philosophy, for all the glory of Greece and Rome, could never imagine the radical equality and servant-leadership intrinsic to American democracy

The Complicated History of Evangelicals & Slavery

Sean McGever’s “Ownership: The Evangelical Legacy of Slavery in Edwards, Wesley, and Whitefield” sheds light on the multifaceted story of 18th C. Evangelicals & slavery

The 2024 Election: The Scandalized Presidency, Kairos, and Christian Response 

Despite the limits on Executive power, the American President still represents the country, Chesterton explains.

Taking the Long View of Politics in “Citizenship Without Illusions”

Review of David Koyzis’ new book, “Citizenship Without Illusions”

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