Human Flourishing

Acknowledging Russian Security Threats While Avoiding Russophobia

For the sake of someday having positive relations with Russia post-Putin, we must avoid Russophobia even as we support Ukraine

Henry Clay and the Problem of Politics

Few figures in American history have had as distinguished a political career as Henry Clay.

C. S. Lewis Was Right on History

Mark Tooley has misunderstood CS Lewis’s philosophy of history, missing that Lewis was, in fact, right on history.

Was Jesus a Pacifist?
The Holy Week Reader—Monday: A Savior Who Overturns Tables

The cleansing of the temple reveals the character of our Messiah and is a model for those who would follow him.

Joseph Loconte Christianity & National Security 2023

Joseph Loconte’s lecture at Christianity & National Security 2023. Joseph Loconte discusses C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, and their perspectives on…

Moral vs. Immoral Resistance Part III: The American War for Independence

Part 3 of Eric Patterson’s series on Just War

Thomas Paine’s Enduring Wisdom

Thomas Paine was an inspiration to the founders and still has lessons for today

Surviving the Siege: The Life of the Artsakh’s Villages Under the Target of Azerbaijan

Since December 12, 2022, Azerbaijan has been illegally blockading Artsakh, an area historically populated by Armenians but claimed by Azerbaijan. For…

When Turkey Cruelly Press-Ganged Christians and Jews During WWII

Christians and Jews faced terrible persecution in Turkey during WWII

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