Chemical Weapons

False-Flag Conspiracy Theories are Wrong, and Trump Should Strike Syria - Chemical Weapons
False-Flag Conspiracy Theories are Wrong, and Trump Should Strike Syria

If Assad is permitted to continue employing chemical weapons with impunity, he will successfully normalize them. US forces, our allies, and civilians in the region and around the world will be in great danger of becoming victims of the same.

Counting the Costs in Syria Missile Strike Trump
Counting the Costs in Syria

Dozens of civilians have been killed in the latest chemical-weapons attack in Syria. Western governments blame Syrian strongman Bashar Assad for the assault.

The Syrian Airstrike: Measured, Discriminate, & Just
The Syrian Airstrike: Measured, Discriminate, & Just

A necessary punitive act watched by China, North Korea, Iran, and Russia.

What You Should Know About Chemical Weapons Syria
What You Should Know About Chemical Weapons

Last week the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported that either the Syrian government or Russian forces used chemical weapons (specifically a nerve agent) in an attack on a rebel-held town. Here is what you should know about chemical weapons.

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