character formation

The Ghettoization of Western Civilization in Universities

As schools like UNC found centers devoted to perspectives other than the left-wing views that dominate universities, the need for such viewpoint diversity is more apparent than ever

The Joker Redemption: A Critical Reappraisal

Though “Joker: Folie à Deux” was negatively received, audiences would do well to reconsider the deeply spiritual elements of the film

School Choice as Window Into Separation of Church and State

Despite the high-minded rhetoric of a wall separating religion and politics, when it comes to primary and secondary education, religious institutions have always been at the forefront

Why History & Social Science Cannot Substitute for Classic Fiction

Great literature remains indispensable in the formation of the statesman and the citizen

Civilizational Ethics Precede National Self-Interest

Calls for America to behave more self-interestedly belie that the definition of national self-interest always depends on a nation’s conception of the Good

Our Civilizational Moment

Samuel Huntington’s “Clash of Civilizations” thesis was regarded as highly controversial 30 years, yet decades later his claims have been vindicated

Olympic flag
Particularity, Universality, & How Olympic Values Have Gone a Stinker

The Olympic games have always been about going higher, moving faster, and being stronger than those around you. We used to know this. Let us never forget it.

Military Recruitment Shortfalls Are Ultimately a Spiritual Problem

As military enlistments fall in the United States, policymakers ponder solutions to the recruitment and morality crisis.

Stories After Virtue: Reading As A Moral Enterprise

Alasdair MacIntyre argued that we can only answer the question ‘what am I to do?’ by answering the prior question ‘Of what story or stories do I find myself a part?’

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