
Jenin on the March and Iran’s Effort to Destabilize the West Bank

Iran and its proxies are increasingly turning to new tactics to destabilize the Middle East

Sudan: The Ongoing Conflict

When the variable spirit of human justice stands against the relative constant of greed and power, sadly it is the latter that often wins

“Politics” and Other Religious Words

There is no safe, neutral Hobbit hole to which we can retreat and enjoy a pint and a second breakfast while the rest of the world troubles itself with politics.

Christianity in Communist North China

From the Archives of Christianity & Crisis Magazine: October 13, 1947.

On the “Medieval Question” 

American conservatives have a paradoxical relationship with the Middle Ages – a relationship which today has reemerged as a fascinating cleavage on the American right.

Corrymeela, Northern Ireland: a Christian Outpost in a Nation at War with Itself (Part Two)

Corrymeela’s community believes no one can unwind every evil of the past, so each person can only decide how he will live with others in the present.

Corrymeela, Northern Ireland: a Christian Outpost in a Nation at War with Itself (Part One)

Through the Good Friday Agreement, Corrymeela was an epicenter for people working towards a peaceful settlement to the Troubles.

Carl F.H. Henry and Communism: The Failure of Liberal Protestantism and the Opportunity for Evangelical Public Theology

Rediscovered Notes on the 75th Anniversary of The Uneasy Conscience Reveal Convictions of Carl Henry.

The Chinese Christians Fighting for Hong Kong

“If I suffer for the right cause, it only define[s] the person I am becoming. It can only be good for me to become a better person if I believe in the Lord.”

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