Simon Maass

Simon Maass is a student of International Relations at the University of St Andrews. His writings have appeared in Intellectual Conservative, the Independent SentinelRedaction ReportCultural Revue, and the St Andrews Foreign Affairs Review.

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Byzantine Christianity, Mongol Autocracy, and Geography: How Imperialism Came to Define Russia

Russia’s legacy as the “third Rome,” its inheriting of a Mongol political system, and its geography all help explain why its expansionist aggression

Republicans Have Not Turned Isolationist

Despite the appearance of an Isolationist turn in the GOP, such observations are misguided.

The Absurdity of Anti-Israel Narratives

Ideology has a way of making people unreasonable, but Israel-haters on college campuses take this tendency to an extreme

The Iraq War Was a Success

Although the Iraq War was long and costly, leaving Saddam Hussein in power would only have led to even worse outcomes

Virtue vs. Relativism and Foreign Policy 

Virtue is a prerequisite to a healthy polity at home, which is in turn necessary for a strong America internationally

Liberal Internationalism vs “Democratic Realism,” 20 Years Later 

30 years after Charles Krauthammer’s “Democratic Realism”, his pragmatic internationalism is needed more than ever

Should Friends of Ukraine Root for Trump Over Biden?

Could Trump prove more capable than Biden at securing a lasting peace in Eastern Europe?

Russia’s March Elections Will Tell Who Wants Victory in Ukraine More

Putin is in more danger of losing support in Russia over Ukraine than many believe

Russia, Iran, and China are Weaker Than They Appear

Despite narratives of Western decline, we must observe the problems afflicting our rivals as well

The Dark Legacy of Tsarist Philosopher Ivan Ilyin

Among Putin’s favorite political theorists is Ivan Ilyn, defender of the tsarist trinity: Autocracy, Orthodoxy, Nationality