
Was Jesus a Pacifist?
Was Jesus a Pacifist?

Against the seemingly gentle assertions of pacifism, those who truly want to love in our world must understand there remains a need of coercion to maintain a minimum of justice and to preserve those innocents whom the unjust would ravage.

The Continuing Pacifist Menace: How Pacifists Do Harm
The Continuing Pacifist Menace: How Pacifists Do Harm

This article, highlighting the dangers of pacifism, was originally published in Christianity and Crisis on November 16th, 1942. Editor Henry Sloane Coffin…

national security
Day 2: The Providence Christianity & National Security Conference 2017

Video links to the presentations from the 2nd day of the Providence conference reflecting on the intersection of Christian intelligence and foreign policy

Keith Pavlischek Christianity and National Security 2017: Christianity & Pacifism

The following lecture was recorded during Providence’s 2017 Christianity and National Security Conference. Keith Pavlischek discusses the history of pacifism…

National Security conference
Day 1: The Providence Christianity & National Security Conference 2017

Video links to the presentations from the 1st day of the Providence conference reflecting on the intersection of Christian intelligence and foreign policy

Yom HaShoah

Today we remember the Shoah, the lost, and those who said “No”

Is the Catholic Church About To Abandon Its Just War Teaching?

No – though The National Catholic Reporter would apparently like you to think it is.

Flags at Arlington National Cemetery.
Remembering Not To Forget

Reflections on how people choose to spend Memorial Day and how this relates to Christian pacifism.

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