Western Civilization

Gateway to Statesmanship: Selections from Xenophon to Churchill

Review of Intercollegiate Studies Institute President John Burtka IV’s new book “Gateway to Statesmanship: Selections from Xenophon to Churchill”

“Proportionality” and Israel’s Plight

The difference between immoral revenge and lawful retribution is in the principle of proportionality

Iran Does Not Need Feminism, It Needs Freedom

Protesting the mandatory hijab law will never change Iran until the government respects religious freedom.

The Crisis of the University

We need to become outposts of intellectual seriousness and Christian virtue and moral sanity that expose the darkness of our generation.

Why Russia Might Help Stop the Collapse of Western Liberalism
Why Russia Might Slow the Collapse of Western Liberalism

The Russian invasion of Ukraine helped the West remember that it is fortified by a shared love of peace.

Are We All Christians Now? A Review of Tom Holland’s Dominion: How the Christian Revolution Remade the World
Are We All Christians Now? A Review of Tom Holland’s Dominion

Tom Holland, author of the recently published “Dominion: How the Christian Revolution Remade the World,” has done a great service to current discussions on the relationship between Christianity and Western civilization.

What Did Western Civilization Ever Do for Us?!? A Qualified Defense of the West

Perhaps one of my favorite tools in teaching Western civilization to undergrads at Arizona State University is to show clips…

“The Bookcase” Spring-Summer 2019 Issue

The Right Side of History: How Reason and Moral Purpose Made the West Great, by Ben Shapiro (Broadside, 2019). This…

A Basis of Christian Cooperation: Recovering Natural Law
A Basis of Christian Cooperation: Recovering Natural Law

This article about the history and future of Christian moral truth was originally published in Christianity and Crisis on December 28th, 1942. Contributor Barbara Ward details the history of Christian moral law, originally developed in the philosophical depths of the natural law tradition, all the way to its fracturing, resulting in the contemporaneous “will to power” found in Nazism. She councils Christians globally to recover this tradition and bring it to bear on the world in her day.