The Uses and Abuses of War Language in a Pandemic

Talking about a pandemic like it is an armed conflict obscures the clear distinctions between military and medical ethics, leading to faulty judgments and potentially creating additional moral and material harm.

What is the Meaning of a Plague? Coronavirus and the Almost-Chosen Nation
What is the Meaning of a Plague? Coronavirus and the Almost-Chosen Nation

Not every plague is a judgment, but every plague is a revelation.

Jerry Johnson and Debra Erikson on the Pros and Cons of Trump’s Foreign Policy
Jerry Johnson and Debra Erikson on the Pros and Cons of Trump’s Foreign Policy

Here are contrasting views of President Donald Trump’s foreign policy by Jerry Johnson and Debra Erickson.

On Equality and Justice: Don’t Fall for Valkyrie and Amazon Myths

Myths are powerful things. Tales of female warriors exist in cultures around the world, often serving as unifying national symbols. Until the present day, however, women warriors have remained isolated figures. We are now in the midst of an unprecedented change in the role of women in our armed forces, a change some view as long overdue.

Why Not Draft Women
Why Not Draft Women?

Men and women are not the same, and treating them as if they were will not make them so.