Coruscatingly Brilliant: A Tribute to Charles Krauthammer
Coruscatingly Brilliant: A Tribute to Charles Krauthammer

Defined as sparkling, giving off shafts of light, “coruscatingly brilliant” applies in every sense to the writing and the personal demeanor of Charles Krauthammer.

Robert Kennedy and the Great "What if?"
Robert Kennedy and the Great “What if?”

Robert Kennedy had rejected the anti-Semitism of his father, Ambassador Joe Kennedy, and had pledged to send 50 jet fighters to Israel to help that small, embattled country survive in a sea of enemies. For that, he would pay with his life.

Greatest Generation Second World War
Not the Greatest Generation

If we call any of our honored ancestors the Greatest Generation, we are acceding to the idea that America’s greatness is past. For many of us, America’s greatest days are yet to be lived out.

For George H.W. Bush Nobel Prize for Peace
For George H.W. Bush, a Nobel Prize for Peace?

The increasingly frail 41st President of the United States surely deserves a Nobel Prize for Peace for his enlightened and, yes, prudent diplomacy in a dangerous era. Not only did he guide the world toward German reunification, he carefully avoided “dancing on the Berlin Wall.”

Nidal Hasan
How to Respond to Brussels? Hang Nidal Hasan

Convicted mass murderer Nidal Hasan sits in a federal military prison. It is nearly three years since a court martial sentenced him to death. That stark fact advertises the utter lack of seriousness of this administration about the war on terrorists. And it illustrates the moral confusion of the Left in Europe—and here.

FDR’s Appointment at The Great Bitter Lake: 14 February 1945, Part 2

FDR’s meeting with King Ibn Saud on the Great Bitter Lake has had ramifications for U.S.-Saudi Arabia relations for decades.

FDR on USS Quincy at Great Bitter Lake
FDR’s Appointment at The Great Bitter Lake: 14 February 1945, Part 1

President Barack Obama evoked howls of disapproval from his opponents when, in early 2009, he bowed before King Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz, the absolute ruler of Saudi Arabia. This high profile encounter—the President was attending a G-20 Summit in London—provided a marked contrast with the almost entirely overlooked first meeting of a President and the monarch of the Desert Kingdom.

The Knesset in Jerusalem
A Strong American Horse—In Jerusalem

Nothing could demonstrate a new direction in American Mideast policy better than for the next administration to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and move our embassy there overnight.