christian morality

Cultural Sanctification in 50 AD and 2024 AD

Christians today are understandably concerned about an increasingly hostile culture, but we should recall the early church’s response to the Roman Empire’s even more hostile culture

Rising Individualism, Declining Western Civilization

Tory MP Danny Kruger sketches a philosophy of history that laments the West’s lost sense of deep community without romanticizing the past

The Complicated History of Evangelicals & Slavery

Sean McGever’s “Ownership: The Evangelical Legacy of Slavery in Edwards, Wesley, and Whitefield” sheds light on the multifaceted story of 18th C. Evangelicals & slavery

Our Civilizational Moment

Samuel Huntington’s “Clash of Civilizations” thesis was regarded as highly controversial 30 years, yet decades later his claims have been vindicated

Milton Friedman Misrepresents Adam Smith

Milton Friedman, though greatly enamored with Adam Smith, misrepresented Smith’s concept of self-interest

Review of “Faithful Reason” by Andrew Walker

Andrew Walker compellingly argues that God is the only sure ground for coherent ethical discourse and public order