
The Death of Deterrence

If the West allows the credible threat of deterrence to die with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, only more violence will ensue in the long run

The Decline of Deterrence

Deterrence is built over decades, but can crumble in an instant. And that instant is now.

Rebeccah Heinrichs Christianity & National Security 2023

Rebeccah Heinrichs’ lecture at Christianity & National Security 2023. Rebeccah Heinrichs discusses nuclear deterrence, the law of armed conflict, and…

Considering Post-War Ukraine

Putin has failed to meet his objectives, but Ukraine has a difficult rebuilding process ahead, even with expected international support.

The West Should Remember Cold War-Just War Lessons of Nuclear Deterrence
The West Should Remember Cold War-Just War Lessons of Nuclear Deterrence

In our day it is difficult for some, perhaps many, to recall that the West’s Cold War policy of nuclear deterrence—anchored in traditional just war moral principles of just cause, right intention, proportionality, and discrimination—helped avert war rather than increase the prospects of nuclear conflagration.

A Just War-Cold War Response to Nuclear Blackmail
A Just War-Cold War Response to Nuclear Blackmail

Either we deter Russian aggression, which means that we convince Putin that we will not tolerate his first-strike nuclear threats and be intimidated, or we passively acquiesce to nuclear blackmail and Russian butchery of a nation that was promised its integrity and sovereignty five years after the Cold War ended.

Matthew Kroening Christianity & National Security Conference 2022

Matthew Kroenig discusses nuclear deterrence, rules-based international order, and great power competition. The following is a transcript of the lecture….

A Cold War–Just War Response to Nuclear Threats
A Cold War–Just War Response to Nuclear Threats

Vladimir Putin’s recent announcement to place his nation’s nuclear deterrent forces on a state of heightened alert invites those of us in the free world—and surely the United States—to revisit the just war assumptions that served as a deterrence during the Cold War.

NATO Is Still Key to Keeping the Peace in Europe - Russia Ukraine
NATO Is Still Key to Keeping the Peace in Europe

With Ukraine languishing outside the safety of the NATO alliance, the consensus seems to be that there is little the alliance can do as Putin enforces his latter-day Brezhnev Doctrine. That consensus view is wrong.