Ecumenical Patriarch

Orthodox Geopolitics and American National Security - Russia - Ukraine - Church -War
Orthodox Geopolitics and American National Security

As the world turns its attention to Ukraine, the important but often neglected issue of Orthodox Christian geopolitics has received renewed interest from Western media.

Moscow’s Obsessive Ethnophyletism and Expansionism Destroying Orthodox Church Unity
Moscow’s Expansionism Is Destroying Orthodox Church Unity

It is past time for Orthodox leaders to consider how to address and prevent future rogue actions by Russia that aim to “overthrow the Church’s canonical order.”

Implications of the Hagia Sophia’s Conversion to a Mosque

Hagia Sophia’s conversion is the culmination of Erdoğan’s long campaign to transform Turkey into a neo-Ottoman empire.

Turkish Media Targets Ecumenical Patriarchate Bartholomew I of Constantinople
Turkish Media Targets Ecumenical Patriarchate Bartholomew I of Constantinople

On May 4, a pro-government Turkish magazine published a special edition falsely alleging that Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I of Constantinople (Istanbul) helped stage the July 15, 2016, coup attempt.

The Embattled Ecumenical Patriarch Caught Between Russia and Turkey

What on the surface seems simply an esoteric argument over ecclesiastical jurisdiction is anything but. At the heart of the schism lie the ideological underpinnings for Putin’s new nationalism, and its violent manifestations in eastern Ukraine and Crimea.